Kecepatan Cahaya - Cepat Rambat Gelombang Elektromagnetik #01
ARTIKEL Selain gelombang mekanik, terdapat gelombang yang dalam perambatannya tidak memerlukan medium, yaitu gelombang elektromagnetik. Cahaya merupakan contoh gelombang elektromagnetik. Gelombang...
ARTIKEL Selain gelombang mekanik, terdapat gelombang yang dalam perambatannya tidak memerlukan medium, yaitu gelombang elektromagnetik. Cahaya merupakan contoh gelombang elektromagnetik. Gelombang...
Published: 12-12-2015
Duration: 3:34
Definition: hd
View: 4878
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Comment: 1
Duration: 3:34
Definition: hd
View: 4878
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Comment: 1
Seniman Sinar-X Menggali Keindahan
Bagi fotografer Inggris Nick Veasey, kecantikan bukan hanya diluar. Di studio bunker anti radiasinya, ia telah membuat gambar-gambar artistik sinar-X. Hari ini dia memotret Robo Thespian,...
Bagi fotografer Inggris Nick Veasey, kecantikan bukan hanya diluar. Di studio bunker anti radiasinya, ia telah membuat gambar-gambar artistik sinar-X. Hari ini dia memotret Robo Thespian,...
Published: 19-03-2013
Duration: 1:19
Definition: sd
View: 2021
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Comment: 0
Duration: 1:19
Definition: sd
View: 2021
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Comment: 0
YBJI Present : Cinta Tanah Air dengan Cara Kita #VideoOpeningIYI #Part1
Cinta Tanah air, yaitu mengenal, memahami dan mencintai wilayah nasional, menjaga tanah dan pekarangan serta seluruh ruang wilayah Indonesia, melestarikan dan mencintai lingkungan hidup, memberika...
Cinta Tanah air, yaitu mengenal, memahami dan mencintai wilayah nasional, menjaga tanah dan pekarangan serta seluruh ruang wilayah Indonesia, melestarikan dan mencintai lingkungan hidup, memberika...
Published: 01-11-2017
Duration: 4:38
Definition: hd
View: 208
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Comment: 1
Duration: 4:38
Definition: hd
View: 208
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Comment: 1
Back to the source - Historical European Martial Arts documentary
A look into the world of Historical European Martial Arts, where a community revives centuries old martial arts based on the research and study of period source material. Introduction: (3...
A look into the world of Historical European Martial Arts, where a community revives centuries old martial arts based on the research and study of period source material. Introduction: (3...
Published: 27-10-2015
Duration: 1:29:13
Definition: hd
View: 193170
Like: 3555
Dislike: 31
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Comment: 281
Duration: 1:29:13
Definition: hd
View: 193170
Like: 3555
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 281
Soutenez-moi sur Tipeee La vie ailleurs, les ovnis, nos origines, sont des questions auxquelles nous répondrons un jour. Il est primordial...
Soutenez-moi sur Tipeee La vie ailleurs, les ovnis, nos origines, sont des questions auxquelles nous répondrons un jour. Il est primordial...
Published: 04-12-2017
Duration: 32:21
Definition: hd
View: 72395
Like: 488
Dislike: 75
Favorite: 0
Comment: 94
Duration: 32:21
Definition: hd
View: 72395
Like: 488
Dislike: 75
Favorite: 0
Comment: 94
Rahasia Soal - soal tes seleksi Masuk PT Pertamina
Solusi menjawab akurat soal psikotes dalam seleksi masuk diperusahaan BUMN PT Pertamina (persero), Kami menyediakan contoh soal dan pembelajaran dalam menghadapi ujian tes masuk pertamina.
Solusi menjawab akurat soal psikotes dalam seleksi masuk diperusahaan BUMN PT Pertamina (persero), Kami menyediakan contoh soal dan pembelajaran dalam menghadapi ujian tes masuk pertamina.
Published: 15-01-2015
Duration: 2:10
Definition: hd
View: 40215
Like: 53
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Comment: 6
Duration: 2:10
Definition: hd
View: 40215
Like: 53
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 6
Mustika Jala Samudra
Mustika Jala Samudra Sesuai dengan namanya. Mustika Jala Samudra ini mempunyai manfaat yang begitu banyak, sangat cocok untuk anda atau keluarga dan bahkan orang-orang yang anda sayangi yang...
Mustika Jala Samudra Sesuai dengan namanya. Mustika Jala Samudra ini mempunyai manfaat yang begitu banyak, sangat cocok untuk anda atau keluarga dan bahkan orang-orang yang anda sayangi yang...
Published: 04-08-2016
Duration: 0:19
Definition: sd
View: 16
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:19
Definition: sd
View: 16
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Comment: 0
How to photograph a burning light bulb filament (abstract photography)
Need abstract photography ideas? Light bulb without glass? In this tutorial, Harley shows how to photograph a burning light bulb filament. A burning light bulb filament creates a dramatic abstract...
Need abstract photography ideas? Light bulb without glass? In this tutorial, Harley shows how to photograph a burning light bulb filament. A burning light bulb filament creates a dramatic abstract...
Published: 30-12-2017
Duration: 10:31
Definition: hd
View: 175
Like: 10
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Comment: 11
Duration: 10:31
Definition: hd
View: 175
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 11
SCP-2063 A Past Vision of the Future | Object Class Euclid | Star Trek Scp
SCP-2063 is a resin model of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, resembling the ship of the same name from the 1966 American television show, Star Trek. It measures approximately 28 centimeters in...
SCP-2063 is a resin model of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, resembling the ship of the same name from the 1966 American television show, Star Trek. It measures approximately 28 centimeters in...
Published: 06-08-2016
Duration: 12:47
Definition: hd
View: 21916
Like: 442
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 178
Duration: 12:47
Definition: hd
View: 21916
Like: 442
Dislike: 6
Favorite: 0
Comment: 178
3000+ Common English Words with Pronunciation
3134 most frequent english words with sound (american pronunciation), randomly presented. Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or...
3134 most frequent english words with sound (american pronunciation), randomly presented. Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or...
Published: 31-07-2015
Duration: 1:9:26
Definition: hd
View: 440415
Like: 2623
Dislike: 275
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Comment: 242
Duration: 1:9:26
Definition: hd
View: 440415
Like: 2623
Dislike: 275
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Comment: 242
How to Start Network Marketing Business
How to Start Network Marketing For more information click here: To Register your FREE Account click here: Any Questions? Contact
How to Start Network Marketing For more information click here: To Register your FREE Account click here: Any Questions? Contact
Published: 07-02-2018
Duration: 47:51
Definition: hd
View: 1203
Like: 5
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Comment: 0
Duration: 47:51
Definition: hd
View: 1203
Like: 5
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
SCP-610 The Flesh that Hates (all Documents and Logs) | Object Class Keter
SCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy...
SCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy...
Published: 24-11-2014
Duration: 46:39
Definition: hd
View: 192795
Like: 2002
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Comment: 713
Duration: 46:39
Definition: hd
View: 192795
Like: 2002
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 713
SCP-914 The Clockworks and Experiment Log 914 | Object Class Safe
This SCP reading contains both SCP-914 (The Clockworks) and Experiment Log 914! SCP-914 is a large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area of eighteen square meters, consisting...
This SCP reading contains both SCP-914 (The Clockworks) and Experiment Log 914! SCP-914 is a large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area of eighteen square meters, consisting...
Published: 18-04-2015
Duration: 39:1
Definition: hd
View: 57339
Like: 676
Dislike: 23
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Comment: 179
Duration: 39:1
Definition: hd
View: 57339
Like: 676
Dislike: 23
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Comment: 179
Paradise or Oblivion
Paradise or Oblivion This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day...
Paradise or Oblivion This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day...
Published: 30-03-2012
Duration: 48:12
Definition: sd
View: 2523912
Like: 33259
Dislike: 922
Favorite: 0
Duration: 48:12
Definition: sd
View: 2523912
Like: 33259
Dislike: 922
Favorite: 0
Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play At the 2008 Serious Play conference, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play -- with many examples you can try at home... At the 2008 Serious Play conference, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play -- with many examples you can try at home...
Published: 11-11-2008
Duration: 0:28
Definition: sd
View: 236081
Like: 1253
Dislike: 44
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Comment: 63
Duration: 0:28
Definition: sd
View: 236081
Like: 1253
Dislike: 44
Favorite: 0
Comment: 63
Deborah Rhodes: A tool that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it's not available to you Working with a team of physicists, Dr. Deborah Rhodes developed a new tool for tumor detection that's 3 times as effective as traditional mammograms for women with dense... Working with a team of physicists, Dr. Deborah Rhodes developed a new tool for tumor detection that's 3 times as effective as traditional mammograms for women with dense...
Published: 07-01-2011
Duration: 21:41
Definition: sd
View: 56724
Like: 780
Dislike: 17
Favorite: 0
Comment: 167
Duration: 21:41
Definition: sd
View: 56724
Like: 780
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 167
SCP-342 A Ticket to Ride (Object Class: Euclid) (Season 3 remake)
Anyone who uses SCP-342 to board a vehicle is unable to exit said vehicle by any means. Once the vehicle ends its route and ceases movement, the user will disappear from this reality. Users...
Anyone who uses SCP-342 to board a vehicle is unable to exit said vehicle by any means. Once the vehicle ends its route and ceases movement, the user will disappear from this reality. Users...
Published: 11-02-2016
Duration: 30:32
Definition: hd
View: 13087
Like: 159
Dislike: 3
Favorite: 0
Comment: 26
Duration: 30:32
Definition: hd
View: 13087
Like: 159
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 26
Published: 11-12-2013
Duration: 50:39
Definition: hd
View: 307856
Favorite: 0
Duration: 50:39
Definition: hd
View: 307856
Favorite: 0
Tips - Pijat Ibu Hamil oleh Ayah
Sebagai calon #ayahsiaga, Anda bisa memulainya dengan cara memberikan pijatan penuh cinta bagi sang istri selama kehamilannya. Selain dapat meningkatkan bonding, pijat hamil dapat membantu...
Sebagai calon #ayahsiaga, Anda bisa memulainya dengan cara memberikan pijatan penuh cinta bagi sang istri selama kehamilannya. Selain dapat meningkatkan bonding, pijat hamil dapat membantu...
Published: 16-09-2014
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 179486
Like: 226
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Comment: 4
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 179486
Like: 226
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Comment: 4
Exposing Digital Photography by Dan Armendariz
This seminar is a fast-paced introduction to photography. We'll cover exposure, the impact of exposure values on a photograph, metering, the impact of the human visual system (illusions), and...
This seminar is a fast-paced introduction to photography. We'll cover exposure, the impact of exposure values on a photograph, metering, the impact of the human visual system (illusions), and...
Published: 14-11-2014
Duration: 52:39
Definition: hd
View: 6601
Favorite: 0
Duration: 52:39
Definition: hd
View: 6601
Favorite: 0
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