Published: 02-04-2014
Duration: 8:6
Definition: sd
View: 9501
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Duration: 8:6
Definition: sd
View: 9501
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Comment: 3
Virus CMV menyerang otak dan pendengaran bayi - NET12
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: Twitter ...
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: Twitter ...
Published: 07-08-2014
Duration: 4:10
Definition: hd
View: 2322
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Comment: 0
Duration: 4:10
Definition: hd
View: 2322
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Comment: 0
TES TORCH | Lab Parahita 031-502 0552
tes torch pake askes,arti tes torch,apakah tes torch,tes torch berapa biayanya,tes torch berapa,tes torch bandung,tes torch bisa pakai bpjs,tes torch bagi ibu hamil,tes torch di bogor,tes torch...
tes torch pake askes,arti tes torch,apakah tes torch,tes torch berapa biayanya,tes torch berapa,tes torch bandung,tes torch bisa pakai bpjs,tes torch bagi ibu hamil,tes torch di bogor,tes torch...
Published: 24-10-2016
Duration: 0:31
Definition: hd
View: 1428
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:31
Definition: hd
View: 1428
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Published: 01-05-2017
Duration: 8:23
Definition: hd
View: 17283
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Comment: 1
Duration: 8:23
Definition: hd
View: 17283
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Comment: 1
Periksa Torch | Lab Parahita | 031-502 0552
Kunjungi web kami : IgM Anti Toxoplasma, IgG Anti Toxoplasma, IgG anto toxoplasma avidity, IgM Anti Rubella, IgG Anti Rubella Kesehatan adalah hal yang utama bagi kita....
Kunjungi web kami : IgM Anti Toxoplasma, IgG Anti Toxoplasma, IgG anto toxoplasma avidity, IgM Anti Rubella, IgG Anti Rubella Kesehatan adalah hal yang utama bagi kita....
Published: 24-10-2016
Duration: 0:31
Definition: hd
View: 108
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:31
Definition: hd
View: 108
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Comment: 0
Suntik Defteri SMP
Pemerintah Kota Palembang melalui Dinas Kesehatan Puskesmas Punti Kayu melakukan program Imunisasi Difteri bagi Siswa Siswi SMP LTI IGM.
Pemerintah Kota Palembang melalui Dinas Kesehatan Puskesmas Punti Kayu melakukan program Imunisasi Difteri bagi Siswa Siswi SMP LTI IGM.
Published: 05-03-2018
Duration: 0:3
Definition: hd
View: 287
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:3
Definition: hd
View: 287
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Comment: 0
Viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology
What is the hepatitis virus? Well, the hepatitis virus invades liver cells and causes inflammation in the liver tissue. There are five known hepatitis virusesâ€"hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis...
What is the hepatitis virus? Well, the hepatitis virus invades liver cells and causes inflammation in the liver tissue. There are five known hepatitis virusesâ€"hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis...
Published: 22-12-2015
Duration: 12:18
Definition: hd
View: 474050
Like: 4758
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Comment: 349
Duration: 12:18
Definition: hd
View: 474050
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Comment: 349
Mengenali Permasalahn Infeksi Virus
Tahukah anda bahwa disekeliling kita banyak sekali penyakit baik yg bersifat jinak maupun parah. Penyakit bisa diakibatkan oleh virus dan infeksi. Apa yang dimaksud dengan infeksi dan virus...
Tahukah anda bahwa disekeliling kita banyak sekali penyakit baik yg bersifat jinak maupun parah. Penyakit bisa diakibatkan oleh virus dan infeksi. Apa yang dimaksud dengan infeksi dan virus...
Published: 20-05-2014
Duration: 46:41
Definition: hd
View: 146
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Duration: 46:41
Definition: hd
View: 146
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Comment: 0
Bantah Terkena Rubella, Asri Welas Duga Anaknya Alami Katarak karena ASI
Anak Asri Welas, Rayyan Gibran Ridah Rahardja atau Ibran menderita katarak sejak usia tiga bulan. Banyak yang menduga, putra kedua Asri terjangkit katarak akibat virus TORCH (Toxoplasma, Rubella,...
Anak Asri Welas, Rayyan Gibran Ridah Rahardja atau Ibran menderita katarak sejak usia tiga bulan. Banyak yang menduga, putra kedua Asri terjangkit katarak akibat virus TORCH (Toxoplasma, Rubella,...
Published: 14-09-2017
Duration: 1:43
Definition: hd
View: 12
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Comment: 0
Duration: 1:43
Definition: hd
View: 12
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Comment: 0
Virus Rubella
Published: 19-08-2014
Duration: 3:51
Definition: hd
View: 6103
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Comment: 0
Duration: 3:51
Definition: hd
View: 6103
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Comment: 0
Antisperm Antibodies IgG, IgA
Klinika Dani Antisperm Antibodies or immunity to sperm.
Klinika Dani Antisperm Antibodies or immunity to sperm.
Published: 17-02-2016
Duration: 0:25
Definition: hd
View: 1699
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:25
Definition: hd
View: 1699
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Comment: 0
Agglutination assay to detect antigens - Multi-Lingual Captions
This short animation demonstrates detection of specific antigens using the agglutination assay. This resource was developed by Cary Engleberg of the University of Michigan. It is part of a...
This short animation demonstrates detection of specific antigens using the agglutination assay. This resource was developed by Cary Engleberg of the University of Michigan. It is part of a...
Published: 24-12-2010
Duration: 2:42
Definition: sd
View: 140810
Like: 395
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Duration: 2:42
Definition: sd
View: 140810
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Published: 26-10-2010
Duration: 2:49
Definition: sd
View: 157
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Comment: 0
Duration: 2:49
Definition: sd
View: 157
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Comment: 0
Dokter 24 : Cara Membaca Diagnosa TORCH
Mungkin Anda sudah melakukan tes TORCH untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan Anda. Namun, tanpa bantuan dokter mungkin Anda tidak tahu cara membaca hasil diagnosa Anda. Kali ini, dr. Lituhayu...
Mungkin Anda sudah melakukan tes TORCH untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan Anda. Namun, tanpa bantuan dokter mungkin Anda tidak tahu cara membaca hasil diagnosa Anda. Kali ini, dr. Lituhayu...
Published: 14-06-2014
Duration: 1:51
Definition: hd
View: 1120
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Comment: 4
Duration: 1:51
Definition: hd
View: 1120
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Comment: 4
Hepatitis B motion graphic Bahasa Malaysia
sila berjumpa doktor untuk pemeriksaan lanjut. HARGAI KESIHATAN ANDA.
sila berjumpa doktor untuk pemeriksaan lanjut. HARGAI KESIHATAN ANDA.
Published: 27-10-2017
Duration: 0:49
Definition: hd
View: 37
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:49
Definition: hd
View: 37
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